So excited to announce... I’M WRITING A BOOK! πŸŽ‰

This is news I have been holding in for a while and it feels incredible to be able to share it now.

This book aims to share how yoga is a spiritual path of uncovering who you truly are and how you can transform yourself while healing the collective. Who are you under the layers of social construction?

It is a book about reclaiming and re-centering. Moving from yoga as a 1-hour fitness class aimed at stretching and flexibility, separation, the rampant whitewashing + racism, intentional exclusion, sterilization, and appropriation to honest inquiry into how we can, as students, teachers, seekers, and practitioners, practice yoga in a way that shows more understanding, reverence, and respect. To walk on the spiritual path and connect to something greater. How can we be in a better relationship with this land, with one another, and with all beings?

Yoga was one way that reconnected me to my ancestral and spiritual practices and to my motherland. This practice made me see that home is not something external but something internal, it is a feeling. A sense of belonging and settling into your skin. Yoga made me realize I am whole and complete as I am. There is nothing I need to purchase to be whole - I already am. I am whole and enough.

I wish for all folks of color wanting to find reconnection to their roots to be able to. This book is a rallying cry for the global majority to reclaim their spiritual and ancestral practices. To say these are your practices - your heritage and culture. Enough with the extraction and re-packaging under the guise of a β€œnew discovery”.

Much more to come but for now, I am eternally grateful for this opportunity and to be a steward of this beautiful rich practice.

If you want to follow along on this journey, make sure to follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter below to be the first one to know when the book is out!


Yoga sutra 1.33: a way to peace


4 Ways to practice yoga more responsibly (with reverence and mindfulness)