Helping BIWoC reclaim their power & intuition

Yoga Teacher & Mindfulness Educator | Wellness & Decolonizing Activist

Yoga. Mindfulness. spirituality.

โ€œThe soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the Spirit lies its greatest joy. If, then, you experience mental resistance during meditation, remember that reluctance to meditate comes from the ego; it doesnโ€™t belong to the soul.โ€

- Paramhansa Yogananda


Meet Harpinder

I am a yoga, meditation, mindfulness teacher, and decolonizing activist based in Los Angeles. I work with women of color who want to reclaim their power and intuition through the lens of a spiritual, joyful, and sustainable path. 

Through embodiment and somatic practice of getting out of our minds and connecting with our bodies, we are able to get back in touch with our internal sources of health and wisdom. I turned to yoga in 2015 during a time of heightened anxiety and found that this practice brought me to the present and instilled a great sense of gratitude for being alive. 

My practice is rooted in my spiritual background of Sikhism and Buddhism and my ancestral roots in Panjab, India. My name โ€œHarpinderโ€ means โ€œGodโ€™s Homeโ€ and true to my name, it is now my lifeโ€™s work to continue the practice of arriving home to my body with a sincere desire to share in sangha (community). As an Indian-American yoga teacher, I am fuelled by teaching yoga as a spiritual path - as it was meant to be shared.

My studies have spanned from reading the Japji Sahib since I was 3, to over 800 hours of yogic training within the traditions of Raja, Vinyasa, Kundalini, and Prenatal Yoga from the Ananda Sangha Center in New Delhi, India, Stretch Yoga in Brisbane, Australia, Swaha Yoga in New Orleans and Living Now Yoga in New York. Without my teachers, ancestors, and women before me, none of this would be possible.

This practice gave me the freedom and power to be seen and live authentically. 

Now, I specialize in private sessions designed to meet your wellness and spiritual needs. My classes focus on (Pranayama) breathing techniques, accessible postures for all body types (asana), meditation, and connecting back to source. My hope is that you leave feeling a little more grounded, connected, and loved.


Private Sessions

I believe that the practice of yoga is best shared one-on-one. In 2016 I began working one-on-one at the Ananda Center in the Larchmont Village in LA and this one year of private practice changed my life. Since then I have worked one-on-one with several skillful and compassionate teachers that have transformed the way I move through the world - with more intention, awareness, and compassion.

Yoga was traditionally taught by one teacher directly to one student. There is great importance in individualizing each yoga experience to meet the needs of the individual student. 

I specialize in private sessions designed to meet my students where they are at. The student-teacher relationship is so sacred and treasured to me. My students have ranged from pregnant folks, autistic children, people in recovery, women of color, those wishing to learn and embody yoga beyond asana, and more. It is a great gift to walk alongside my students as their teacher on this path of life.

In practice, I am interested in working with discipline and devotion, with consistent practice (Abhyฤsa) and detachment (Vairฤgya).


Client Testimonials


My Offerings

Outside of private sessions, I create workshops and retreats. Please check out my Events page and sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of my website to be alerted on future events.





Yoga For Anxiety

This 8-hour Yoga for Anxiety Course aims to empower individuals, yoga teachers, and anyone who has anxiety or works with students who have anxiety, with knowledge, practical tools, embodied practices, and community to cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion and transform their relationship to anxiety to find deeper understanding, peace, and enhanced well-being. To move from a place of heightened fear to trust and faith.

There is no shortcut to healing. There is no shortcut to remembering. This will be a space that honors how our anxiety is sacred, and learn to work with this part of ourselves with compassion and patience. One small step at a time my love. You got this.


Womxn of color summit

Social Justice + Wellness = Collective Healing

The Womxn of Color Summit operated from 2020-2023 as a brave space for womxn and non-binary people of color to show up authentically in community and redefine what wellness and healing can look like when it is accessible to all. Programs included an annual summit, a bi-annual group program, a seasonal soul buddy program, and monthly new moon gatherings with the goal of exploring our inherent creativity and how we can create rich lives for ourselves on our own terms.

Letโ€™s work together

Book your free 20 min. consultation here.