My offerings
My yoga practice originates from a trauma-informed place and that is how I try to teach. I create brave and healing spaces where you are offered choices, guaranteed no hands-on assists, and provide opportunities for you to get curious about sensations and whatever might be arising.
I remind students to breathe fully and observe whatever shows up. We learn how to heal ourselves and become compassionately self-aware.

I work with people of color who want to reclaim their power and intuition by walking on a spiritual, joyful, and sustainable path.
I work primarily through a compassion-focused and trauma-informed lens.
Private Yoga Sessions
1 hour and up | Contact me for a quote.
In-person either at my home studio, I can travel to you, or outdoors if in and around Los Angeles.
Also available via Zoom.
It is always a deep honor when folks reach out to me wanting to work 1:1 to deepen their relationship with yoga in a way that is honoring and in integrity to the practice. In the way I work, we would explore all 8 limbs of yoga, study the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali together, and honor the essence and goal of yoga: reaching moksha or liberation
.We practice diligently and with devotion in the efforts to bring forth clearer integration of our body-mind-spirit and be grounded in our faith and presence. The more centered we are with a calm mind, disciplined in our practice, and connected to our body and self, the clearer channel we can be for our purpose in life and more compassionately we can show up in every aspect of our life.
Yoga teaches us we are innately worthy, there is nothing we need to accomplish for that to be true. We will practice to remember this knowing. That is the importance of experiential practice over intellectual understanding.
With private yoga lessons, you get the extra attention needed to progress in your practice. The session is built around your goals and based on your health, body type and lifestyle. Private yoga instruction can help you perfect the basics and expand your yoga practice.
I build classes using Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Vipassana meditation techniques.

organization & group Yoga Sessions
1 hour and up | Contact me for a quote.
Build community while decreasing stress in your organization. In and around the Los Angeles area (in-person) and worldwide via Zoom.
I have led events, presented, and taught yoga and mindfulness at organizations such as Tulane University, Grindr, Expectful, Ogden Museum, Lightning in a Bottle, and many more. I have also partnered with yoga studios to lead workshops on the Yamas and Niyamas, on Dismantling Cultural Appropriation, and am a teacher trainer as a part of Folk’s Trauma Informed Teacher Training and on Living Now Yoga’s Breath Immersion Teacher Training and am a weekly meditation teacher for Tejal Yoga.
Group Yoga classes are a great way to improve organizational morale and bring everyone together to do something fun as a group. Yoga can be a welcome break from a busy workday or a relaxing way to de-stress at the end of the day.
Classes include yoga, meditation, and mindfulness techniques (if included in the package).
Workshop options vary from 60-120 minutes and can be done virtually or in person:
Honor the Roots of Yoga: Educational session on yoga, its historical background in South Asia, its importance, and how we can practice with more care
Embodied Sessions: Meditation for greater self-compassion and to reduce stress and anxiety
Mindful movement (asana) for increased interception
Pranayama techniques for clarity
Deskside yoga for pain relief
Time is allocated for people to check in and connect as well.
1 hour and up | Contact me for a quote.
Support young people by providing a space for them to rest, tend to themselves, and learn lifelong emotional regulation skills. Single classes or recurring sessions available in and around the Los Angeles area (in-person) and worldwide via Zoom.
I have worked with teens at mental health centers, residential foster homes, high schools, and community spaces for those impacted by the justice system. Organizations I’ve partnered with include Jail Guitar Doors, ROWI Teen & Parent Wellness Centers, and Pandion Music Foundation.

other opportunities
1 hour and up | Contact me for a quote.
I am open for yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-related teaching and speaking opportunities. If you would like to partner up, please reach out.
I have spoken at organizations such as Decolonize Birth Conference, been a part of a Kundalini panel for abcdyogi, a speaker for the 2022 Accessible Yoga Conference, been featured on Voyage LA, Shut Up and Yoga, Overachiever Magazine, and many more.
I am also an entrepreneur, storyteller, and community builder with 7+ years of experience in marketing, communications, and business development committed to making our world a better place by enabling people and organizations to reach their fullest potential.